What's that saying? A sucker is born every minute?
Well, my friends, my minute has come.
I realized this after I clicked "order" on this site.
Yes, while most of the country is trying to dig themselves out of that snowy mess, I am ordering "Snow in Seconds." Come on though, how awesome is this stuff? You can sprinkle it outside and it will look all snowy-like. In a few days, it will dehydrate but all you have to do is spray it with more water and BLAMMO! Snowy again!
I'm totally sold. I bought the big-boy pack.
My Dad will probably scold me when he sees it and whip out a massive stash of it yeah he totally is THAT Dad. I distinctly remember him drinking orange soda out of beakers when we were growing up. We were quite possibly the only kids in the neighborhood that had hazmat spills in our garage.
I am totally stoked to get this stuff in the mail. I am possibly MORE excited than the kids will be.
**All of you who are cursing me and my "warm" weather can hush...or move here. Yes, YOU. You know who you are.