Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let's Boost our Local Economies!!!

Hey y'all! I was blog hopping earlier, like ya do, when I saw an ad for someone else's Scentsy website (remember, I talked about it the other day? Scroll down, you'll see it). Being nosey, I had to click on it and boy was I glad I did! Do you see my new button----->Click on it. It's nothing for my site personally but if you're looking for MY Scentsy site click here, rather, it's to a grassroots effort to boost your local economy!
It breaks my heart to watch families forced out of their homes on the nightly news. To see generations old family-run businesses shut down due to our current economic crisis is a shame. With "Contribute in 2009", we can help boost our local economies! Simple click here Contribute 2009

read a little about the idea and the goals, then make your pledge! You're not giving any money now. The point is to get people to spend $50 at their local businesses! Easy huh? October 12th is the day. I pledged!

Scentsy, which started as a small family run operation, has a business philosophy of "contribute more than you take," is based off of an Albert Einstein quote:

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather, become a man of value. A successful man takes out of life more than he puts in. A man of value will give more than he receives.”

Fairly nice principles to live by, I say.

Really though, visit the Contribute in 2009 and read about what spurred this movement, it's truly wonderful what the owners of this company have done for their local community. Then PLEDGE!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh, what a great idea : ) Love it. Very intuitive! I hope it works!

The Blonde Duck said...

That's a great cause!