Nice start to my week. Pickles will go into surgery in a couple of hours to repair a pretty gnarly bo-bo on his lip. Total accident. Got knocked over last night, smacked his face on the way down. We got him stitched up last night at urgent care but being the darling that he is, he pulled his stitches out. Back to the doctor we went, only to be sent for a consult with a surgeon. Two surgeons stared at him and chatted amongst themselves, coming back with a "this should have been referred to us last night. He needs surgery." Great.
So my dear friends, I'm about to wake my hungry baby poor guy is so thirsty and starving but can't have anything, for obvious reasons and tote him off for his plastic surgery. Yeah, my kid is having plastic surgery before age 2! I smell trouble in my future with this one...
Back with a real post later or tomorrow depending upon how good of drugs they give him, tee-hee.
P.S. Rambler, I got my very own boyphone!!!! Eeeeep! All I needed was an injured child and mother in law declared I needed a phone ASAP. Apparently, I needed an iPhone. Who knew?
Rye Crepes
1 day ago
Oh no Mamma....will be thinking of Pickles while he's getting his first lip job.
And your gonna LOVE your Iphone. Really really.
Oh NO!
Poor, Poor Little Pickles. I feel so badly for him. I know he'll do well but prayers being said for a quick "get well" for the little guy.
oh poor pickles...i hate the starving them thing so much, you feel so mean!!!
good luck...
Hope the surgery went well, and Pickles is back to normal before long. We've been through something like this before, and I know that it's just no fun. BTW, if you have a little time away from your patient, wanted to remind you that today is Uncle Lynn's birthday, and I'm running a one-day POPrs giveaway to celebrate. Please come by!
I am so not getting updates! i keep missing your posts. Dang.
WOW! I can't believe they would leave a string that long! I know many kids that that would have been too much temptation for!
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