It's Spring Fling at SITS y'all yes, that is my best Britney Spears impression. Anyway, The Dude and I were up late one night flipping through channels. We got sucked into an infomercial channel. On came the add for EZ Combs. Sweet! I have super thick, coarse hair. Finding clips and stuff to hold my hair is a challenge. These seemed like a great idea. The Dude suggested I run to the computer to order them straight away and I did. I think I was too excited because apparently I ordered 3 sets (Ooops!).

None of these pictures are of me you wouldn't believe how hard it is to take a picture of the back of your head by yourself!
Ok ok, so this is for 3 ez combs: one black, one brown, one crystalish whitish. You can do all kinds of hairstyles (even ponytails!). They work for thin or thick hair because twisting them not only gives it a cute look, but tightens up the hold. Click on the ez combs link to see videos.
Comment for entry (I'm not gonna ask you to follow me for extra entries or crap like that cuz I only want you to follow if you enjoy my blog!
**I will also send along the DVD with full instructions. Not that it takes a rocket scientist or anything, but ya never know. Enjoy the Spring Fling!
My oldest daughter would love those!!! Happy Spring Fling!
I saw these on TV and wondered if they really work. I guess if I win I can find out!
Very cool giveaway! I always love messing with hair do-dads. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Oh my gosh - I have been wanting to try these!!!
How cool is that??? I would love it for myself and my daughter!!
Happy Spring Fling!
Come on over to my blog to register for my pearl earring giveaway too!!
With two daughters, those would get a lot of use around here! Thanks for the chance to win (and for not having a lot of hoops to get there! lol)
I've seen these and thought they looked cool! I don't know if they'll work with my hair (thick and very coarse) but I'm willing to try. :)
I saw these on TV and I really liked them, so hopefully I'll win them. Pop by my blog for a chance to win a Stampin' Up! stamp set.
I would love to win these! With my super thick hair and two daughters I'm sure they would get a good workout!
Oh yes, my daughter and I need these. This would be perfect when hubby and I are out on the Harley. I get HUGE rats nests after riding that no matter what I do to my hair.
DUDE! We were sooo separated at birth. Forget M's hair, I have been ogling those for a long time! Okay, so only since I started seeing the infomercial. Hey, thanks for threatening the hubs, saw your IM to him after he left to the farm. Thats the sign of a true bestie, willing to threaten bodily harm. Aww you loves me! Count me in.
My hair would love you for these!
Oooh, these are neat! I love infomercials, but I haven't seen these!
My girls have been begging me for these!! Count me in the give away.
I've been wanting to try these and I think they would look cute on my daughter too! Thanks for the chance to win!
Cool Giveaway...I was up late and pondered over this info commercial and also I totally loved that you said ONLY follow you if you like my blog and not for entries!!!!
Very the prize. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am now a new follower and Yes I am spending time reading YOUR BLOG and like it very is real!
please sign me up!
My daughter had super long hair-these would be great!
I saw these one late night and liked them. Thanks for this opportunity!!
ME ME ME...who cares about the kids. Spring Fling is for ME.
That is all.
Plus, I'm getting sick of normal clips. I need an update, ya know?
My knees trembled when I saw the commercial, and I almost ordered. FREE is better, and since you've got extra...
My niece would love that clip. It's great! You do have a great blog here. I spent some time reading!
Come check out my blog when you get a chance!
Wow, never seen those before...count me in!
Ok, curiosity has me entering to win...I wonder if they will work better on me or my teenage daughter?
Ok- I'm a sucker for "As Seen on TV" products! I'd love to try these!
I never have time to actually do my hair, so this will help
I would love to try one of those.
Happy spring fling!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Very cool! I'd love these in order to do something different with my hair :)
Sounds like oodles of fun! My hair is thick and to my knees, so I could certainly use these!
Are you sick of white and feeling blue?
Then this is what you need to do.
Check out my "Gobs of Green" giveaway.
If you win, it will make your day!
I would absolutely love these. My hair is thick to and I have seen these on TV and thought about ordering them. Great giveaway.
Hm this looks like a good thing for my hair!!!
these look fun & easy to use :)
my oldest would LOVE these!Ü
I've seen the ad for these and they look like such a great idea! I've been curious about giving them a try.
Holy cow! They really work???
I have frizalicious hair that does not want to be contained, and I've wondered about these.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I just saw an ad for these today and thought they looked amazing! Count me in.
I'm giving away a pair of earrings on my blog, come check it out and enter :)
Cool! I have been wanting some of these! Thank you!
Wonderful! I've never seen anything like this before. I'm always looking for new and fun things to do to my sign me up!
These are so cute!! I would love to win these.
I was thinking about ordering these! How great would it be to win them! WOOHOO!
Cool! Thanks for the giveaway!
I can never find combs that stay in my hair!
I get intrigued everytime I see the commercial! I think this is an awesome giveaway! Would certainly be for me and my thin hair that nothing wants to stay in!
I would love these... I love neat hair things, because I hate having my hair down, but hate having it short even more. It would be nice to get away from the permanent single braid hanging down my back...
Thanks for entering my SIT Spring Fling Giveaway.
I always wondered if these work, I always wear my hair in a clip & could use it a new way. I saw a lady wearing one of these a few days ago :)
Oooo i'd love this for my hair since I never have time to do it....or wash it most days lol
Ooo I'd love this! my hair is thick too!
This looks so cool! Pick me I say, LOL! :)
If its not too late, please enter me. Thanks!
Those look really great! I have the thick hair too and it is so hard to find clips that will fit. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
I was just researching those and if it isn't too late, I'd love to enter :)
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