My baby is fine. Well, I mean, his lip is stitched up again. They did 10 stitches AND Dermabond. Good luck getting that out. Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't taunt him.
When the doc called us back to explain how things went, he pulled out his camera. I thought, dude, this is totally an inappropriate time to show us your fishing trip pictures. He quickly scrolled to the section with Pickles. That is when the only tear I cried during this experience fell. Seeing my only my baby's tiny mouth exposed beneath a sea of blue surgical drapes was hard. I know this sounds super lame because there are numerous children with far more serious injuries and health issues, but it was my kid, so indulge me.
Anyway, back to the pictures. He was trying to show before and after pictures. When he scrolled to what he THOUGHT would be the "after" picture, a series of goofy pics featuring the nurses and my child. They are pretty lucky I'm not uptight and have a sense of humor. They put some headbands on him and snapped some pics. One nurse was spiking up his hair. They said he growled a lot as they were giving him the good drugs. I wonder if there is video of him floating around in cyberspace??
The nurses all cooed over him and went on and on about how precious he was. As they walked me to the back to see him, the nurse told me that he wouldn't open his eyes yet and wasn't quite waking up just yet. As soon as I bent over to kiss him and tell him Mamma was there, he growled.
He peeped open his eyes a tad and growled at me! The next hour included lots of apple juice spilled on himself, lots more growling, and non-stop jabber about riding the elevator.

He ate two bowls of strawberry ice cream upon returning home and ate a healthy dinner. So, all is well.

This is what my Pickles looked like after the first round of stitches. Not bad eh?

Too bad the urgent care doc left the suture thread so long that he was able to pull it out!

I hadn't noticed it till I looked at the pictures. The flash from my camera must have made it gleam because it wasn't noticeable in person.

Dude, he is still so cute and charming to boot. Tough guy for sure. Give him a hug from the Sophster.
Poor little thing!
OMG it would all bring me to my knees. He is so adorable and glad it's all getting better!
My daughter just had her tonsils and adenoids removed. I felt just like you sound with Pickles. I totally understand that this was a minor surgery compared with what many children go through...but it's on my baby! It was a big deal to her, and to me! Good luck with healing for your Son!
ps My BFF's child had surgery on his brain and spine at 12 months old, so I really should be able to put my minor things in perspective! But, especially in the moment, my perspective is only on my child! ;)
love that he was growling at you.
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