You know it's going to be one of those days when you realize your cell phone is missing, can hear it ringing, but just can't locate it. I got the twins off to preschool and had Pickles in his car seat on the way to the sitter. I realize my lifeline (also known as cell phone) isn't in my pocket. I swing back by the house and call it. I can hear a faint ring. First stop is the dishwasher, as that's Pickles new favorite place to put it. Nothing. Crap man! I gave up quickly cuz I'm a quitter like that.
Hey wait a second. When did that flower phone get put in? I didn't think my secret agent stuff would get here until I sent in all 72 box tops! Let down. It's just my cell phone. It had somehow made it's way into the planter outside. That's it, no more cooking with wine. Crazy things happen when I get all liquored up.
Speaking of liquor, check these babies out:

Don't drink coffee or other hot beverages? You could also rock them like THIS!
Sweet! I always wanted to be one of those cool kids that wore wrist sweat bands. Lord knows my wrists sweat a lot.
I saw a bunch of patterns for these, but we all know I don't understand them. If you can understand crochet patterns, yippy for you. Here you go. Or, if you don't crochet but want one, look here.
Basically, I chained 35 (some patterns say 30, some 40) and connected into a ring. I double crocheted for 2 rows. On the third row I increased (double up in each single chain), so it would flare. 4th row, 5th, and 6th row, I only doubled up every 4 chains. See, I'm confused again. Stupid words. My advice is to read the "real" pattern. I suck.
Hello thought I'd visit-I saw you on SITS. The pickle title drew me in.:) Those are not a bad idea for coffee cups!!!!
All right, you are a true blog Jedi for tracking down my YouTube set! YOU ROCK! That is so cool of you and I'm really glad it made you laugh!
BTW, I think that was my cactus calling your flower. (Sorry.) He is SO on a time out right now.
Thanks again and see you soon...
"You know what they say? They say, 'Coffee cup, I love you and want you to look fashionable.'"
This line made me snicker out loud. Am I not the only one that likes to speak to inanimate objects?
We are having our first giveaway drawing tomorrow. If you haven't entered yet make sure you do.
To celebrate the launching of my new online coffee shop I am giving away 1 lb of coffee every Friday in October.
You just reminded me that my mother used to knot or crochet that kind of thing when I was a kid. I think they were for Diet Pepsi bottles. Gawd, I forgot all about that.
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